Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Stretching It Out

Am busy this morning tackling changes to my Bunny roughs following feedback from the publisher. It's always a tricky stage but I always go into knowing that the changes will inevitably bring about better images and a stronger story. I can't wait to get on with the colour though!

This Bunny requires to stretch a bit harder apparently (I think he's like me and not a great fan of pilates!) so I am off to see what I can do with him. I actually really like how he looks in this rough so it will be interesting to see how things look after the changes...

Friday, 25 November 2011

Been Roughing It!

I've been beavering away drawing lots of rabbity roughs for the new book recently and have just sent the first draft of them through. Keeping everything crossed that they get a good reception and that the new characters go down well!

Here is a little snippet from one of the pages of the main character Bunny and his side-kick Mole for you to get a peek at. Just black and white now but I shall be working on colour samples very soon - am thinking gorgeous clean and vibrant spring colours with elements of gold in there too for some foresty backgrounds. Can't wait!

Hope you are all well, thanks for dropping by for a read. xx

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Something a Bit Rabbity (& Moley!)

Just a wee rough that I had been doodling recently. Am working on a Bunny book for the lovely folks at Harper Collins which promises to be full of fun and colour. But in the meantime here is a little black & white of a bunny that tripped over a molehill and went plop into a puddle. You can click on the image to make it bigger.

Am slightly in love with the mole at the moment!

Hope you are all well. Thanks for stopping by!
